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Version 1.6 ~ Piggy Bank ~ was an update released in 100% Orange Juice.


Version 1.6 was released on July 21, 2014.


  • Added In-game Chat. Players may now talk with one another in game lobby and during a match. Speech bubble icon can be used to toggle chat visibility.
  • Improved CPU behavior against playable boss units.
  • Added 2x Battle Squares to Miracle field event. These squares give 2 Wins if the NPC is KO'd.
  • Two new color sets can now be unlocked at lvl 25 and lvl 50.
  • Two new colors, a common and uncommon one, can now be unlocked separately for each character by playing multiplayer games. The unlock is a random chance at the end of a match, regardless of winner.
  • Reduced prices of character color packs as follows:
    • Core character Basic Color Pack prices now 1,500 stars (down from 2,000).
    • Boss Basic Color Pack prices now 15,000 (down from 20,000).
    • Other Basic Color Pack prices now 7,000 (down from 10,000).
  • Increased base XP gain by 20%.
  • Reduced XP penalty from playing with lower level players, and bonus from playing with higher level players.
  • Added Star Decay: Games running for over 60 Chapters now suffer a 1% penalty to stars per chapter past 60.
  • Slowed down the rotating player markers to make it easier to tell player numbers from them.




Version 1.6.1 was released on July 22, 2014.


  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be incorrectly tagged as idle when KO'd.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the chat to show the same message repeatedly.


Version 1.6.2 was released on July 24, 2014.


  • Traps now appear in the Card Log upon triggering.


  • Fixed an issue with players sometimes getting stuck in combat in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed chat 'dropping' characters under some circumstances.
  • Fixed player quit messages not always working properly.


Version 1.6.3 was released on July 25, 2014.


  • Chat should no longer lose the speaker's name.
  • Fixed several issues related to host changing during game.
  • Improved safety checks for star and experience rewards.
  • Fixed unit animations for Sora's black model.


Version 1.6.4 was released on July 28, 2014.


  • Players can now type longer chat messages.
  • Chat messages can now be scrolled with mouse wheel and clicking the middle mouse button returns to the most recent message.
  • Chat can now be toggled to cover more of the screen area.
  • Chat is now also shown during the game clear event.
  • Message input can now be cancelled by pressing ESC.


  • Message input should no longer crash for players with short names.
  • Adjusted some colors in Hime's and Tomomo's animations.


Version 1.6.5 was released on August 3, 2014.


  • Highlighting the small card icons under player portrait now shows a preview of the card
  • Resolution selection in the launcher now remembers custom resolutions (custom resolutions are now also limited to between 800x600 and 1920x1200)


  • Fixed card display on various custom resolutions.
  • Fixed a problem where QP's Hyper Mode stayed active after battle.
  • Fixed the shop graphic to correctly display Tomomo's Abyss level requirement.
  • Spectators attempting to join as players just as the game ends should no longer see erroneous star values in results screen.


Version 1.6.6 was released on August 7, 2014.


  • Bug causing new spectators to sometimes disconnect in games with several spectators should now be fixed.
  • Fixed typo in Protagonist's Privilege card's description.


Version 1.6.7 was released on August 17, 2014.


  • Improved lobby filtering:
    • 'Dead' lobbies should now be filtered out from the list, allowing the client to properly display up to 50 lobbies.
    • Can now sort lobbies by Name, Player count or any other option by clicking on the lobby option's name.
    • Added a 'Search' button on the Join Lobby screen to look for a specific lobby (note: only returns exact matches).
Update History
Versions ~ Saki's Cookie ~1.4 ~ Bad Pudding ~1.5 ~ Nice Jingle ~1.6 ~ Piggy Bank ~1.7 ~ Dangerous Pudding ~1.8 ~ Cinnamon Bun ~1.91.10 ~ Little War ~ ~ Sealed Guardian ~1.14 ~ Scrambled Eve ~1.15 ~ Jonathan's Rush ~1.16 ~ Santa's Job ~1.17 ~ Completion Reward ~1.18 ~ Overseer ~1.19 ~ Extraordinary Specs ~1.20 ~ Two Witches ~1.21 ~ Party Time ~1.221.23 ~ Holy Night ~ ~ Sweet Battle ~1.27 ~ Playground ~1.28 ~ Beach Party ~