Girl Power Scenario/Girl Power Episode 4

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Girl Power Episode 4
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Episode No. 4
Field Lagoon Flight
Field Events Home Roulette
Characters Hime
Miusaki (or Ceoreparque)
First Music Played Hime's Theme
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<story summary>


Before the Match Starts
BGM: Campaign Music A
Miusaki 「私、今の子達には共感持てるなー
You know what? I can really relate to the girls we just fought.
Energetic girls sure are cute, aren't they?
Ceoreparque 「確かに ミウに似たタイプの女の子でした… けれど 彼女たちの見どころは別の部分だと思うのです」 That's correct. They seemed a type similar to you... But you appear to be overlooking a more important aspect of them.
Miusaki 「え?」 What?
Ceoreparque 「それは あの服です シンプルだけどひらひら まるで何百年もの伝統を重ねたような熟成された力を感じました」 It's what they were wearing. It was simple yet fluttery.
I couldn't help but feel some sort of ultimate power, as though it were something that has been passed down for hundreds of years.
Miusaki 「確かに… あの服にはオーラが漂ってたよ」 I agree... That outfit had some kind of aura about it.
Ceoreparque 「着飾るのはGPアップの基本ですけれど 誰が着ても可愛い そんな可能性を感じる衣服でした」 Dressing up is one of the basics to raise your GP.
Those costumes made me see a massive potential. They would look gorgeous on any girl out there.
Miusaki 「ね それじゃあさ 私もあれ似合うかな」 Say, does that mean I would look amazing in one, too?
Ceoreparque 「恐ろしいことです 例えミウが着ても似合いそうです 改めて すごい衣服なのです」 A terrifying thing to imagine, but I'd wager it's true.
I must say, those outfits were nothing short of miraculous.
Miusaki 「わーい じゃあ今度森の魔女に作ってもらおっと」 Hooray! I've got to have the Forest Witch make one for me.
Ceoreparque 「あ ずるいのです 私もお願いするのです」 Oh, not so fast.
I want one too.
Miusaki 「それじゃ 一緒にお願いしにいこうよ」 Okay then, why don't we go visit her together?
Ceoreparque 「…考えておくのです とりあえず今は このゲームを遊び尽くすのです」 ...I'll think about it.
For now, we're playing this game until we get bored to death.
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